
Welcome aboard to the One on One Buzz by Giselle Claudino!

To start, I must write in both languages to explain what we doing in this blog that might interest you every week!
This blog is my brand new project to promote people who is out there making history and conquering their success. Doesn't matter if they are succeeding in sports, acting, directing, producing, blogging, cooking, all areas are important. These people deserve to shine and I'm here to help to promote them, their projects and share from now one the great ONE ON ONE interviews with you guys! 
With the work I do, I daily come across with people from my country (Brazil) and from (US) that are becoming more and more known or getting the deserved recognition for the work. So, here I am, ready to get the scoop of their life/work/ and adventures.


Sejam todos bem vindos ao One on One Buzz by Giselle Claudino!

Para comecar, eu gostaria de explicar a proposta do blog para que voces possam se interessar em acompanhar toda semana!
O One on One Buzz 'e um projeto super novo que eu (Giselle Claudino) criei para promover as pessoas, Brasileiros, Americanos ou pessoas que fazem parte da minha rede de network que estao alcancando o sucesso em suas areas de trabalho. 
Nao importa a area, seja: artes, culinaria, televisao, direcao, producao, esportes, todas as areas sao importantissimas. Todas essas pessoas que lutam diariamente para conquistar seus sonhos merecem ser reconhecidas, e estou aqui para divulgar seus projetos e promove-los atraves das minhas entrevistas EXCLUSIVAS.
Fiquem ligados no One on One Buzz toda semana!

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